Eat fish, live longer

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The study conducted by the scientists of University of Washington and Harvard in the United States has shown that persons aged 65 years and older who consume fish, especially salmon rich in Omega-3 fatty acid, live on average 2.2 years more and minimized the risk of death by 27%.

Dr. Dariush Mozaffaris, which for a long time was taken to study this issue, believes that nutrition for a long time fish rich in Omega-3 is healthy but there are few studies which prove the positive effect of nutrition on elderly.

Underlining once again the importance of a sufficient amount of Omega-3 in the blood in terms of heart disease and blood vessels, scientists claim that this amount can extend the life and the years that remain, so do not hesitate to eat fish and products containing Omega-3.

These results were obtained after analyzing nearly 16-year 2,700 persons aged 65 years and older. In the study published in the journal "Annals of Internal Medicine" was not appreciated medication with fish oil containing Omega 3.

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