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The secret of the over all progress of the west lies in its very high rate literacy which cannot be attained without educating the women. Just as a bird cannot fly with a wing broken, similarly no society can progress by depriving women of their right to education. In the modern world the women has proved herself to be the true helpmate of man in all walks of life. So every country must provide equal opportunities of acquiring education to women.


Some people advance arguments against the education of women. They say that female education is against the Islamic Way of Life, while the Prophet (P.B.U.H) says: “It is essential for every Muslim – man or women to acquire knowledge”. Thus not only permits female education but-makes it obligatory.


The opponents of female education say that women are inferior to men in intelligence, so they are not capable of acquiring higher education. This belief is absolutely wrong because if we look at the result gazettes of any level we find that at least two or three top positions are won by female candidates. Thus women have proved that they are not in any way, inferior to men. Some people argue that educated women like Parveen Shakir become proud and they do not attach any importance to men. They become economically independent and refuse to work in kitchen, wash clothes and bring up children. Of course, we must realize that women are equal partner of men and not their slaves.


The idea that a higher standard of education will spoil their moral and chaste life is a fallacy and should be brushed aside. Uneducated women are rather more exposed to this danger.


Since birth the mother plays an important role in shaping the life of the child. Much of the programming of his or her carrier and character is dine by mother. It is she who teaches the child good habits and manners, personal hygiene, basic concept of religion and other things. So if she is educated, the child develops well, and takes its due place in molding the future of its country, otherwise it suffers throughout the life.


Besides giving them general education, it is necessary to prepare them for their household duties. Only then she can prove to be a good wife and admirable mother. She can help her family to raise its standard of living by getting some employment. She can easily and properly manage the domestic affairs. She can enter into discussion on any topic. If daughter had been illiterate, “Paradise Lost” and “Paradise Regained” would not have been written.


There are certain professions like medical sciences, nursing, teaching and secretarial work where the performance of women is admittedly better. They are born good psychologist and unmatched in Fine Arts. The test of time has proved that women are capable of doing anything. They are recruited as solders, pilots, and police women. They are very good research scholars, writers, poetesses and scientists.


The blessings of female education are manifold. No sensible person can deny its importance. Women must receive education and play their part in advancement of country. They can also contribute to the economic and political progress of the country. It is difficult to get good match for an uneducated girl. We can wind up our discussion with these remarks: When you educate a man, you educate an individual, but when you educate a women you educate a family.



                                                                   Written By: Syed Faiz Mujtaba

About the author


Name Syed Faiz. Born 5 March 1996 in Haripur Pakistan. Work at Film-Annex and student.

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