Education of women in Afghanistan

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First I want to say that the word of God for the human race Allah said to read and learn Science and Knowledge It was addressed to all the human race is not that a particular class is male or female. Every Muslim is required to learn the science to go ahead. And sorry to those who may lack such knowledge, what they know and for what they have created.

After the fall of the Taliban regime should be said that black education is improving, but still more than 60 percent of the population have access to read and write. As reported above, about 60 percent of children, especially girls are unable to go to school.

 My talk on education and educational facilities for girls that are about to learn the basic education 'does not exist, in some provinces, there is no security, people are afraid to sixth grade girls can go to school, not professional teachers. How can we say that we have the same situation with regard has provided good education 'for girls. Other barriers can include a poor economy badly and cultures in our society there will be reminded.

So in general I can say that women's status in terms of training and education to improve somewhat, but in several provinces of the country, but are unable and there is no Ease of training and education, I think what the state of education in the country for women and men what was to improve not only the central province but all provinces.

Even looking at the security situation in the provinces is not defined, and so there is now a high school, so the journey, the Afghan Education is adopted the hope of getting be but I think the actions taken regarding the expansion of population and other social problems, and the need to increase these activities are not enough. But in My opinion the actions taken regarding the expansion of population and other social problems, and the need to increase these activities are not enough. First, the media has a major role in the awareness that families with better knowledge will allow them to go to school. In this regard, the role of religious scholars eventually worked his government could continue to put up with other girls and women in positions As well to encourage families to come together in the education process.


Writer “Riffat” 21.2.2013 


About the author


BBA graduated from Maryam University working as procurement specialist in procurement policy unite of MOF.

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