Education system in Afghanistan: Weekly report by hoza-e-karbas

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During the last week, the result sheets of the students concluded and sent to education department of Herat city, and entrance sheets of 180 students to the university arranged. The educational manager of hoza-e-karbas attended in two sessions, first, with the teachers and officials of the school, and second with the mayor of the city about cleanliness.

A supervision body from education department came to supervise all over the school. The students learnt about social media, especially filmAnnex website, and being active in it. They made accounts for themselves in filmannex and were very happy about the web.

About the author


The Houz-e-Karbas High School was founded in 1962 in Afghanistan. The all-girls school has approximately 4000 students, 92 teachers, 5 senior teachers, one education manager, and one administrator. Many classes are taught in tents. Film Annex built the first Internet classroom at the Houz-e-Karbas High School in May, 2012.

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