Education system of Afghanistan

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Education policies as guidance to those involved in education in various academic that is, the concepts, and theories and fairly general rules that apply in most cases. Guides and instructors, teachers, administrators, managers and parents of students of all educational practices. This principle is based on the teachings of religion, psychology, sociology, culture and ideas of great educators and education scholars.

Education reform enacted in 1382, the Afghan educational principles as expressed in the educational guidance of the education Department. Such as promoting the spirit and Islamic moderation, Develop and promote national identity, Safe and efficient training of human, Development of knowledge, skills, consistent with international standards, Economic development and the fight against illiteracy.

The general objectives of education in Afghanistan. With the goals of education in different countries do not only follow, but there is a commonality in them. Many aspects of general educational purposes and are accepted in all countries equally, but since the national institutions of education, religion, race, and has transplant community. Who and what can be institutions to train such people? The task of education is to make people be responsible and tells the child to progress and develop their personal and social should ignore some demands and freedoms and bring some of their habits in.

General goals of education with the contemporary social conditions in which such content is considered, In order to strengthen ideological and moral spirit of the students are considered below:

Strengthen faith and belief in the principles of Islam, the Islamic vision of development based on the teachings of Quran and traditions free from extremes prophet, their geology and to create a spirit of faith confidence and strengthen the spirit of moral obligation, the morale and discipline. Heritability values of discipline and respect for the law strengthen morale responsibility to understand the value of education, training and social.

Determine the most important issues in the history of education in Afghanistan for the first time the exact expertise to issues of education, plans, and goals are discussed. This is significant for a few, The Afghanistan Ministry of Education system for children, adolescents and young people from age 3 months to 20 years were identified.

Promoting the spirit of conscience, Islam, moral, religious elementary information, read the Quran properly, language, math, social issues, art, language support, familiarity with the environment and look at it, boost confidence, independence, individuality , and your comments as well, fostering a spirit of learning and research, national and Islamic culture and to respect its own assessment, strengthening the spirit of responsibility, patriotism, respect for parents, teachers, elders and neighbors, honoring moral virtues, to strengthen cooperation.

Writer  ”Riffat” 21.2.2013

About the author


BBA graduated from Maryam University working as procurement specialist in procurement policy unite of MOF.

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