Effects of 9/11 on Muslim world

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Effects of 9/11 on Muslim world

November – 11 will always remain attached wit the human history because it had  changed the whole global landscape on it’s head. The attacks on World Trade Center New York city and Pentagon just outside Washington-DC, were so stunning that the myth of invincibility, both economic as well as military point of view the “fortress America” was completely stunned by those two accidents. These two horrendous acts have made America to form a coalition against terrorism by making a blitz of propaganda against Osama Bin Ladin and his organization “Al-Qaeda” and the other Islamist Groups.

What is true or false and reality behind the attacks and engage the world in fighting and killings, but can say here killings of millions of innocents human beings   in the war occurred by power of the world that is still continue.  Iraq was destroyed and attacked by rising a slogan of destroying weapons of mass destruction.

Terrorism in all forms is condemnable and one must look at its true perspective.  The terrorism stems from injustice and denial of rights. Therefore, one must not suppress the innocent people because it also promotes terrorism. The root cause of terrorism is just the suppression and oppression of Muslims in Kashmir, Palestine, Iraq and many other countries.

We can righty say , these attacks by super power leave very bad impacts on Muslims world.  On the other hand western nations never feel what are the root causes of terrorism rather they carry on blaming Muslims,  

Terrorism cannot be diminished by suppression and oppression and changing the laws of immigration for Muslims as the Muslims are thought to be the mains cause so the Palestinian men, women and children are struggling continuously to obtain freedom.

After 9/11’s horrible acts, the western nations are reluctant to discriminate between the freedom struggles and the terrorism. They really become annoyed when we say the Muslims are “martyrs”, rather they say that Muslims must always been said to be terrorists.  Americans really put pressure on Pakistan to withdraw its moral and political support from Kashmir. Pakistan has also become a member of coalition against terrorism to survive that difficult age.

All the think tanks and scholars have always stand on the statements that terrorism never overcome by suppression and oppressions. So, one should wait for an hour, when the world will see terrorism from it’s root cause and true perspective. That is the denial of rights and injustice.