Electronic and traditional libraries in the schools of Afghanistan

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Within the last week, the local council of Baghnazargha had a meeting with the educational manager of Baghnazargha Hich School. They suggested separating the girls and boys school from each other and they will pay the necessary ground for. A new computer term started in the school and a lot of students attended. They started to blog writing and are interested in social media.

Libraries keep the books and resources physically, but nowadays it is different. The databases and networks keep the electronic information that is easily reachable. Maybe it shows that obviating the necessities is more important than the possession. But, possession and obviating the necessities are completions of each other.

If a library only pays attention to accessibility and forgets the possession, it changes to a lifeless network that books are monopolized by the publishers. Electronic studying does not have the quality and the emotions of book studying especially in literature and history, so most of the libraries are willing to have two part libraries, physical books and electronic books. The users can use the both services parts.

When the new digital libraries came, the traditional ones are destroyed. But, the traditional libraries are better, because they are stable, and all the schools in Afghanistan have these kinds of libraries. The digital libraries are growing fast in the schools.

As, the traditional libraries were used in Afghanistan’s schools and people, they have their own joy of studying and spending time in. it is not possible to replace them with any other things. In my opinion the traditional libraries should be active and beside them electronic libraries also be reachable. 

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Film Annex's production crew in Afghanistan documents an ordinary day at Baghnazargah School, which is 5 kilometers away from Herat. The school was established in 1989. In this video, we get a glimpse into the lives of female students, what they do in classrooms, how they play and exercise outdoors,…

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