1. What is the important of education to you?
2. How do you give good education to your children?
3. What do you say about education in our country?
4. How to improve our knowledge?
5. What kind of system do you use so you can get easiness in studying?
Power of Word
Educate: mendidik Lesson: pelajaran
Improve: meningkatkan Condition: kondisi
Education system: sistim pendidikan guide: membimbing
Developed: berkembang Quiet place: tempat yg tenang
Low: rendah accompany: menemani
Discipline: disiplin Improvement: peningkatan
Favorite school: sekolah yg favorit
Choose: memilih
Send to school: mengirim ke sekolah
Reach high education to get a better life
raih pendidikan yang tinggi untuk mendapatkan hidup yang lebih baik
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