Enhancing Memory

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Six methods for enhancing memory

Memory is one of the basic functions of the body, which defines us and help us to relate and communicate, therefore, it is important protect it.
How you can improve your memory? Here are some simple but effective methods!

1. Sleep!

Sleep helps regenerate the brain, making you feel more energetic. If you deprive yourself of the six - seven hours of sleep, your body needs instabilities can occur in normal functioning of the brain, the decreased ability to concentrate and slight loss atentiei.Fiecare stage of sleep is necessary for the regeneration of neurons and strengthen memory. If you have trouble sleeping, try to avoid caffeine, alcohol and chocolate after 17 hours and keep your bedroom clean and airy.

2. Eat healthy!

The ingredients of the food they consume, inevitably reach the brain through the bloodstream, influencing our ability to relate, think and communicate. A proper diet can slow aging and brain damage. Some examples of beneficial foods: berries, eggs, salmon, green tea, green leafy vegetables, garlic, caffeine, and more.

3. DISCLAIMS TV and replaces it with a PUZZLE.

People sitting on the couch watching TV for six - seven hours have twice more memory problems than those who do not have this habit. A recent study shows that older capersoanele solved crosswords four week showed a lower risk of dementia than those who did not practice this "sport". Ditch the TV and try to solve a sudoku puzzle or a crossword puzzle.

4. Move!

30 minutes a day of exercise improves blood flow to the brain, which reduces the risk of dementia by at least a quarter. Remember that exercise, done regularly, even improve memory, besides that help you lose weight or to keep yourself in shape.

5. Eliminate Stress!

Numerous studies have shown that there is a direct link between stress hormones and memory loss. It seems that these hormones increase gradually with age and contribute to slowing or even stopping the production of new neurons. So try to keep your cool and do not let things affect you, and occasionally get yourself one day of rest, read a book and relax in the true sense.

6. Quit smoking!

Smokers are at risk of contracting Alzheimer's, even six or seven years earlier than nonsmokers. Tobacco damage blood vessels, for the transfer of oxygen to the brain, thus making their appearance cognitive decline leading to dementia with age. Do not hesitate, stop smoking!

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