Entertainment, Latest, Life, NewsBREAKING NEWS: Archaeologists In Poland Just Discovered The 18th Century Dildo

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A large leather dildo dating back to the 18th century has been found in an ancient toilet by archaeologists in Poland. The 20cm dildo with a wooden head was discovered during an excavation dig at an old school of swordsmanship in the coastal city of Gdansk in the north of the country.

A spokesman from the Regional Office for the Protection of Monuments in Gdansk who found the artificial penis said:

It was found in the latrine and dates back to the second half of the 18th century. It is quite thick and rather large, made of leather and filled with bristles, and has a wooden tip that has preserved in excellent condition. It was probably dropped by someone in the toilet.”


Archaeologists at the site earlier discovered old swords leading them to suspect that the place was oncea school of swordsmanship. The 250-year-old toy has now been taken away for preservation work. While this dildo is old, it’s by no means the oldest ever found.

According to The New York Post, a prehistoric phallus dating back 28,000 years was found in Germany in January and is now considered the world’s oldest sex toy.


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