Esteqlal FC

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First of all I want to say my hello and regards to you. This week we had really interesting exercise sessions which occurred in two different days (Saturday and Monday). On Saturday our first session held in different place which I and all of my teammates awaited to, yes that place was football ground which located in Kabul University and it doesn’t far from the gymnasium which we had our bygone exercise sessions. That day we had capturing and snapshotting which came by dictate of our really faithful and good sponsor Film Annex Company. On that day I really had interesting and joyful time alongside of my teammates and announcers and photographers. We all arrived at one o’clock there but that time wasn’t our exercise time because, female Esteqlal team has come there before us and they also had video recording and interviews with people who came by Film Annex Company. When I saw it I really felt so glad and happy because, I thought about our good sponsor and I said with myself in order that Film Annex company is really good sponsor, because all persons who work in this company are really worth, because their focus is just on improvement of sport surface especially in our country Afghanistan. Anyway, during of female team exercise we got ready and all of my teammates wore blue and white clothes which prepared by Film Annex Company. Then our time started and we all gathered and started to practice. One thing should I say to you that our exercise session was very short because we had video recording. Then we practiced and during practice Mr. Ibrahim wanted me to I have a short interview in English language in front of camera. Then I went and interviewed for two minutes, when I interviewed I really became happy also lots of my teammates like Mohammad Ahmadi, Mohammad Ataee and some another persons interviewed. Then we played football with each other in two teams among my teammates, because it would record into camera. One team with our blue clothes and another was with white clothes and we played friendly match for sixty minutes in to half times. After match we ate the snacks which has brought by Mr.Obaid. At end I should say to it was really interesting and joyful day to all of us and especially to me. On Monday we had our next session but pro sully of weather we held our exercise inside of gymnasium. That day all of my teammates were present there and we started our practice from one o’clock up to three o’clock PM. In this day at first we ran for ten minutes, after that we did simultaneous motions for twenty minutes and then we did scoot motions for thirty minutes. Then we played futsal in three teams for one hour and all we enjoyed from that exercise session. At end after eating of snack we came back to our houses by Mr. Abdul Razaq’s car. Our next exercise session would occurred on Wednesday but it didn’t befall, because it was one day before of new year day therefore we didn’t had exercise session and on Wednesday we had rest up to next week. Thanks for your attention

About the author


I am Faisal Roozi, Esteqlal Kabul FC player

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