Esteqlal female football players

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        After the breakdown of the Taliban regime sports in Afghanistan has upgraded a lot and in different fields, especially in the recent years. Sports have definitely its benefits and are good in maintaining the overall health of a person. It helps the players be well physically mentally and financially. Football is one of those sports which have improved the life of the players heaps. And it has both the girl and the boys’ team. The girls’ team has been founded a year ago by the support and sponsorship of Women Annex, which has been able to change and improve the life of many Afghan girls


         Furthermore the female players of Esteqlal team are so much happy of having a team and supporter such as a Women Annex, who has made it real for the girls to realize their dreams and take part in sports. As Terena Afghan a player from Esteqlal female team is saying that she was so sick before she could join the team but after joining the team she has been very well and hasn’t had any problem. She also says that Women Annex is providing its players cloths, transportation and water during their play and games. 


         Moreover she includes that playing in team has been so much helpful for her and for her fellows in many aspects of their lives. As they have learned that how to be a good team player and have a collective good team efforts. Besides that they have become more confident and hopeful for their futures and once again Terena jan Afghan indicates that Women Annex has changed their lives by sponsoring them.



About the author


Yasameen Mohammadi is a junior student at St.Paul preparatory high school in St.Paul Minnesota. And is currently working at Film Annax as a blogger.

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