Ethical Decision Making
To make the choice among alternatives is known as decision.
Decision What:-
- When you make choice between two given alternatives i.e., yes or no.
- It is also known as Yes Or No Decision.
Decision Which:-
- Yes or no + Reason.
- Reason for yes and reason for no
- Decision based upon some reasons.
Two Types of Decision
- Program Decision
- To make preparations before trigger any problem.
- Known decisions are known as program decisions.
- Planned decisions are known as program decisions.
- Non Program Decision
- To make sudden decisions.
- Unusual decisions
- No planning
Decision Making:-
The process of reaching or achieving your goal is known as decision making.
- A good leader must be a good decision maker.
Basic Model for Decision Making Process:-
- Identifying the process
- Collect Information
- State the options or alternatives
- Apply Ethical Principles
- Making Decisions
- Implement the decisions
Resolved Model for Decision Making Process:-
Review the points
- Basic reason for the problem generation.
- What is the background of the problem?
- Collection of details about the origin of problems.
- Benefit or Importance of that problem
- List main possible Solutions to the problems.
- Result of that solution.
- What will happen?
- What might happen?
Likely Impact
- Impact of your decision on the environment.
- Check the worth of your decision.
- To check the values of your decision
- Check/Examine your decision before your actual decision/Implementation.
- What solution is best? State it and justify it.