Exodus Gods and Kings Film in Brasil

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The new film from  Ridley Scott (same for Gladiador, Prometheus) is now on the Brazil cinemas these épic adventure from the bible

Exodus Gods and Kings shows the corage of a man (Moises) that have to liberate his slave people from the King of the Egipt empire (Ramses) in a more warrior vision as the director always do on hes films.

Just take a look on the trailer here:


With visual 3D effects on imersion, Scott brings to life the battle bettwen Moisés (Christian Bale) on the moment that he rebels against the Pharaoh Ramsés (Joel Edgerton), taken with him more than 600 thousands slaves on a monumental jorney from the human history to escape from the egypt and the pests that aterrorizes the nile region.

A must see film from a consecrated Director now in Brazil !

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About the author


I am an Electronic Engineer, I have strong skills on program games and doing animations and Im a keyboard music composer too. Im always in the search of the best way to show something new for the audiences and Im living in Brazil so it is an oportunity too, to…

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