In our daily routine, we are facing different experiences. Every now and then is a challenge, whether it is an ending or a new start. We are facing our own giant walls, and we need to break down those walls in order for us to pass through to the next journey. It takes courage, strength, and faith to put down those obstacles. In the movie, Facing the Giant, during the training of football, coach Grant Taylor (Alex Kendrick) challenges his team, specifically Brock Kelly (Jason McLeod) not to give up on him on the Death Crawl. Considering how

Larry Childers (Steve Williams) has a son David (Bailey Cave) who loved to play soccer. On the try out for the football game, he seems too disappointed that his kick on the ball can't reach out to the main goal. Larry asked his son, "Did you do your best son?" David answered, "I knew I was gonna missed it before it kicked it." "Your actions always follow your beliefs, David," says the father. "Dad, I can't kicked it straight," said the disappointed son. "And I can't walk. Should I stay home and pout about it? If you accept defeat, David, then that's what you'll get," challenge the father to his son.
According to the Scripture, "IF WE HAVE FAITH LIKE A MUSTARD SEED, WE CAN MOVE THE MOUNTAIN TO THE SEA" (Luke 17:6). It is common to our human attitude, that whatever we want and hardly we can't have it right away, we murmured. We dismayed. We were disappointed. And sometimes we give up. We are lacked of the word PATIENCE. We don't want to wait long. Because we have a very little amount of the so-called FAITH. Let us give a try to challenge ourselves. Let us try to give all our best. And let us give God a chance to move that faith within us. Larry Childers can't walked. He and his son David lived together. But he raised his only son into a better person. He keeps on going despite of his disease.
We have our own challenges in life. And every challenge we encounter deals with faith that we can break through the giant walls that hindered our goal. Let's increase our faith, to run our own race of life. In the long way run, it is us who can benefit that faith we live in. Let us not be a coward, but with all our might, let us face our giant walls and break it into pieces.