Facebook: The GOOD and the NOT-SO-GOOD SIDE

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You are what you share."--Charles W. Leadbeater


*Image is credited to canva.

Too much of of it, I have to cut it.

I joined facebook in the year 2009. That time, I am still not that much of a user since my internet was not yet stable and I only log in when I am on my laptop. My phone was not that upgraded yet. When I attended a necrological service of my second cousin, I met another cousin and asked me if I am her friend on facebook, this gave me some thoughts that why not make the friendship more than just facebook? Will they be able to take it or the friendship just stayed on facebook?

Thousands of facebook friends that I have, but how many are my real friends? Real in the sense that we really talk to each other frequently or have indeed seen each other, maybe around a hundred. So, from the thousands of FB friends, I only got a hundred. But nevertheless, the social media have been the bridge of many people, family and friends have reunited. It has been a great tool to meet new friends.

As a facebook user, I have seen the advantage and the disadvantage of it. But with the disadvantage, I have made some actions to minimize it somehow. Here are some of what I have observed.



*Image is credited to Rain tajon via www.bitlanders.com 

One of the things that I appreciate with Facebook is relationships were rekindled, restored or created. Many have found their loved ones on facebook, it has been a bridge. Aside from that, we can get in touch with loved ones who are far away from us, thanks to the messenger and the video call. Communication does not costs us that much unlike before.

Another thing I do like about facebook is that, I have some amount just for watching my favorite Korean drama. Instead of checking the websites that have almost left my pockets empty due to frequent registration to internet promos, for I have been using a consumable data. All I have been doing is to join groups that keep me posted with the latest Korean drama that I do love.

Aside from the Korean dramas, I have watched few good movies too and the last movie that I watched was "Kita Kita" or I am seeing you. Somehow, it save me some amount.

It keeps me updated too. Even if I missed the news, I can still be updated with some. On my favorite tv programs too, both the local and international shows. Not just with the news, but also the news with regards to my facebook friends and many more.

There are actually more of the good side of the social media, it is just up to the user how they see it.

The NOT-SO-GOOD side.


*Image is credited to rain tajon via www.bitlanders.com 

The first that gets into my mind is the word "humbrag" or the humble bragger. Well, when we get something, a new news to be proud of and we have to tell the world, it is okay. How about the new shoes that I just bought, well, it is okay, the restaurant that I have been with, or the place that I have gone to, everything are all fine but how much would your facebook friends and follower could take? 

If some are good in telling about the good news, some are great in telling the bad news, I mean the complains and rants. Okay, we need an outlet to let those negative emotions out but, we have to think too of what we posts, if they are really worth to be posted or keep it for now. How big is our complain? How petty it is?

Facebook have been a bridge, but also has been a reason why relationship were cut. Lovers, friends, family, well. This happend when there were too much of what we posted. Especially those whose political views are different, the pro and anti, debating and next thing we know, a facebook war has been declared.

Reel accounts or fake accounts. My sister have posted a status once. Someone made another account, using her face, and name. She gave us a warning. What will they get from getting someone else's identity? We can get too much on facebook. Get the personal information, snatch photos of someone(save image) and make something out of it. Too much access.

Not just those who will be stealing your identity, some will make another identity. A faceboo user that has no face, no personal information to display. But what they are doing are annoying a lot of people. They hide behind that "unidentified" profile picture and next thing you know, they are popping balloons or raining on your parade, they don't steal your identity but steal you happiness instead.

If some have been into making fake accounts, some are also into making hoaxes, fake news. This is the most common news that are lurking in facebook. As much as I try to keep myself away from it, some friend will share them and my brother even once asked me about the death of one celebrity and told him that I haven't heard the news on TV, so I checked facebook, did some search and TADA!, it is a hoax. And I remember once about the video about the famous windmill near here that caused the death of the whole family  for one windmills fell into their car. I called my brother who is assigned there and he laughed with the news, a fake news. Glad that I didn't shared it, I have checked my facts first.

Not everything we see or read or watch are all real. We have to be vigilant, we to check facts, wee have to think before we click.

Personal thoughts.

Those were the good and the bad side. As I look into it again, I am seeing more of the bad side, but will I just let it eat the whole good side as a facebook user? NO. I am thankful that facebook has given us options on how to deal with the bad sides. 


*Image is screen grabbed by Rain tajon

The UNFOLLOW has been a great help in keeping myself away from being exposed to the negative side of other people, kept me away from fake news. I still keep the friendship and at the same time, I kept my sanity. Well, I know some have done more than just unfollow, some had blocked and unfriended few of their facebook friends. Unfollow for me is the the "subtle" way to avoid those annoying people, and I am stil happy roaming around facebook.


*Image is screen grabbed by Rain tajon 

A fixation with connecting with friends online come with the risk of disconnection with friends waiting for you to be present in the offline world."--Craig Hodges


Until next time, and thank you for reading!



About the author


I am one bibliophile...music lover...

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