When comparing % on figures of Facebook Interaction Breakdown in October 2014, here are the top 10 breakdown.
Rank and % of Likes+shares+comments
1 huffingtonpost.com 65.24/17.19/17.57
2 buzzfeed.com 58.87/19.4/21.74
3 playbuzz.com 29.39/34.97/35.64
4 foxnews.com 61.32/17.76/20.29
5 nbc.com 64.83/15.59/19.58
6 abs-cbnnews.com 84.38/4.43/11.2
7 nytimes.com 59.06/23.64/17.3
8 bleacherreport.com 85.84/6.8/7.35
9 theguardian.com 56.91/22.75/20.33
10 mirror.co.uk 75.73/10.37/13.9
Source: Newswhip