In this age of technology , inventing something that will save people time is a sure fire way to attract attention. What makes time such a precious commodity? Because there never seems to be enough of it. So why then, with all these alleged time saving devices, do we still find ourselves all the more hard pressed? Burdened by an endless barrage of "urgent business." Sometimes the things meant to save us time end up stealing away most of it; distractions that leave us with less time for the things that truly enhance our lives.
People invest much of their energy in building and sustaining a life but forget to actually live it. That being said there are 4 simple words that are full of meaning which I live by and find application for in every situation. This is to, see the bigger picture. When facing a difficult or urgent situation one may benefit from asking, what am I really trying to accomplish overall? What do I have to look forward to from here on out? When you are constantly reminding yourself to see the bigger picture you are able to remove yourself from a situation, whatever it is at present, and look in on it from an objective standpoint. You'll often find that things are not always as major as we make them out to be in the grand scheme of things. Think of all the things you may have said or felt like you would never get through in the past, how little they matter today and how minuscule they will be years from now.
Applying that thought to the idea of where all our time is going may have convinced you to make a more conscious effort to either broaden or curtail your focus while you still can. Remember that busy does not always mean better. Taking the time to water the seeds you've planted before planting more will yield far greater profit than mindlessly planting and moving on. It's easy to get engrossed in our daily affairs, and forget that there exists a greater clock than the ones glaring back at us from the screens of our iPhones; and that clock can run out for each of us at any second. Friends, there are more connections to be made than just to the wifi at your favorite coffee shop! So while the time is in fact on our side let's make more room for the important things and less room for distractions.
People invest much of their energy in building and sustaining a life but forget to actually live it. That being said there are 4 simple words that are full of meaning which I live by and find application for in every situation. This is to, see the bigger picture. When facing a difficult or urgent situation one may benefit from asking, what am I really trying to accomplish overall? What do I have to look forward to from here on out? When you are constantly reminding yourself to see the bigger picture you are able to remove yourself from a situation, whatever it is at present, and look in on it from an objective standpoint. You'll often find that things are not always as major as we make them out to be in the grand scheme of things. Think of all the things you may have said or felt like you would never get through in the past, how little they matter today and how minuscule they will be years from now.
Applying that thought to the idea of where all our time is going may have convinced you to make a more conscious effort to either broaden or curtail your focus while you still can. Remember that busy does not always mean better. Taking the time to water the seeds you've planted before planting more will yield far greater profit than mindlessly planting and moving on. It's easy to get engrossed in our daily affairs, and forget that there exists a greater clock than the ones glaring back at us from the screens of our iPhones; and that clock can run out for each of us at any second. Friends, there are more connections to be made than just to the wifi at your favorite coffee shop! So while the time is in fact on our side let's make more room for the important things and less room for distractions.