Fall in Love

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  Brittiny walked down the pathway in the park, looking at the trees and the golden sky as she walked home. She loved this time of year, cool breeze brushing against your face. The trees bright with colors. Who wouldn't love the beautiful green leaves sprinkled with yellow. Or the outstanding orange leaves speckled with red. Brittiny twirled around and took a deep breath. "School was okay, but this...this is great!" She thought and smiled to herself. "I feel like something good will happen before the day ends!" She glances over at a path of green grass and spotted a squirrel pouncing about. Brittiny come to a halt. The squirrel stops as well and watches her. 

   Brittiny takes a step back and the squirrel panics and runs towards her and up the closet tree. Britting squeaks and backing up into someone behind her they both back into a pile of leaves. Muscular hands holds onto her arms and lets in a sharp breath. "You okay?" Asked the husky voiced behind her. Brittiny opened her eyes and looked behind her at the dark-skinned handsome young man. "Oh...yeah, I'm sorry! I panicked because that...." Her voice trailed off realizing the words "The squirrel scared me" sounding so lame. The boy chuckled and smirked at her, "Yes, I'm very aware of the evil squirrels scaring girls everywhere they go." Brittiny felt her cheeks get warm and thanked God she was dark-skinned enough so you couldn't see her blush. The boy tilted his head up at the sky, and sighed, "I love this time of year, its so relaxing." Brittiny nodded her head in agreement. The boy looked back at her, a sly smiling spreading across his face. "So are you going to say like this? I'm not complaining but..." He waved his hand at their very obvious positions. Brittiny scrambled to her feet and dust off the back of her pants, "I'm sorry," she said again. 

   The boy stood and dusted himself off and looked at her, "Your very interesting...I hope we can meet again..." Brittiny looked down at her shoes then at her and gave him a nervous shy laugh, "Y..yeah.." He moved close to her, he plucked a leave from her hair and held it in front of her, he leaned in and whispered. "They say Fall is the best time for loving." Birttiny took the leaf, she couldn't stop staring into his bright green eyes, they were speckled with yellow. She opened her mouth to ask him his name but when his fingers brushed her cheek as he pushed her bang away from her eyes, she became speechless. "I'll see you again, Brittiny." He smiled and walked away, breeze became stronger and leaves blew all around. Brittiny covered her eyes, when she opened them, the boy was already gone. All that was the green leaf speckled with yellow in her hands. 

   Brittiny sat up in her bed and looked around. With a heavy sigh she laid back down, "Just a dream...." She could still feel  the cold touch the boy in her dreams left on her cheek. She kicked her legs wildly and groan in frustration, "I need a boyfriend!!!" She relaxed and glanced out her window at the tree, the leaves where green with bits of yellow, she blinked. She quickly closed her blinds and buried her face into her pillow. "Fall is so not for love." 




(For reader: Alright! Its Nov. 1st! Yeah! So this story was inspired by the trees and the golden sky I saw as I walked home, It was just so breath taking, i just loved it! And Brittiny is my close friend in school, she doesn't have a boyfriend YET. And she keeps says she needs one or wants one. SO I GAVE HER ONE! In her dreams in a story. LOLZ! Thats not mean, its caring. So I thank Brittiny for being an awesome friend and nature for being so beautiful! Look forward to more blogs and hope that I see something more interesting next time! I hope you enjoyed this short story of fall and falling in love. BTW: THE TITLE IS A PUN! Sort of  -Tanisha K. Wright)





About the author


I'm Tanisha, a senior in high school. Age:17 Right now in life, all I'm thinking about is college and my future.

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