#Family #search

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How DoI Start My Family History?

  1. Write Down What You Already know about your family?   DStart with yyourself. Use the worksheet and write the information you already know about yourself and your family.If you do not know exact dates and place, estimate them.
  2. Review  What is Missing.     Circle any missing or incomplete information on Your worksheet. Decide what information you want to find first.
  3. Find out  What Information Already  Exists   Gather your records. Start with the records you have in your possession, and gather them into one place. Organize  them and see what family history information you already have.                          Talk to your family. Talk to relatives or family friends. Record any useful information or stories they provide.Ask about copies of both,marriage and death certificate, journals,letters, photos, and others records that might be available.                                                    Search  other sources. If you have a computer is often helpful to visit family history WebsiteSearch on the other Internet.
  4. Share What you Have and Decided What you Want to do Next.          After you have organized your information make copies of family charts, photographs and stories and share them with family members. This will ensure that your family information is preserve and may help to interest other family members in  their family history. Using what you have gathered, decided what you would like to do next. Decided which ancestors you  would like to know more about and where you might find additional information about them.You could also leave a written history of yourself for family members and posterity