Fashion in Afghanistan

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Afghanistan  fashion:
There are fashions in different style in Afghanistan, Afghan people are artistry. The people of various tribes have different style of clothing and fashion in here. Afghanistan exist various and more traditions clothes.

Majority of Afghan girls are tall, dandy, handsome and beautiful, but fashion in Afghanistan hasn't developed as other parts, and the people don’t know the fashion academically. We do not have academic center and organization to growth mode, fashion, for new clothes designer and existing of different style and still we have few people who are experted in this knot.

There are limited people who design new clothes, prepare them, and show them in small galleries, I
think the cause of nonexistence of development of fashion in Afghanistan this is which Afghan families do not permit their children attend to this academics as models.

And the other issue is that no one does modeling and designing works to get life salary. And do designing works elegancy and zesty.
Any way fashion development procedure is so slow and tardy. And we hope to have the people who create evolution in this knot by training, teaching and using of internet sites.And do expanded art works.

I think fashion is art and we can change people's moral by existing fashion centers.
It can make juvenile and youth more creative and more ingenious.

Especially in Afghanistan that has been several years decade war. I think such programs can be the cause of the youth's behave changing till forget the bitter memories of war junior. foetunately nowaday established some companies that sponsor Afghan youth in part of fashion and film annex is one of this companies that make and provide  Afghan youth for future and this company has some program for fashion in centeral Asia espacially in Afghanistan.

About the author


Fatima Haidary, her second name is Hoda. her father name is Shamsuddin .and she is a student in eleventh class ,in Amir Ali Shire Nawaie High school in Herat city Afghanistan.She was born in 2 february 1997 in Herat city in a cultured family.and She is third daughter of her…

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