Hello dear friends, how are you doing? This blog is dedicated to the sensation of fear we all have and how paralyzing it can be in so many situations. But what is this that cause you fear? How to get rid of it? Yes, I know sometimes it is difficult to maintain the head focused and we need some good attention from doctors to move on. I did some research about it, as this is a topic that calls a lot my attention and I would like to share some things I was reading about it. I hope you enjoy the reading!
Fear is a natural sensation. The only way to deal with it is facing it. Usually, when you decide to face your fear, you realize, that after all, it was not as scary as it seemed. There are several factors that can create fear and most people do not realize that fear itself is something that is totally internal to your own mind. It's not a real, concrete thing, you can not point to something and say, "that's the fear, be careful or you'll stumble into it." It is a product of reactions produced by our mind to certain stimuli, it comes from within, although it can be very real when it is felt in our body. The good news is that since it is a byproduct of our reactions to things, you have a number of options to deal with it or even remove it entirely. Once you are aware of the causes, you can control it and work on it, and follow your freer and less conditioned life.
Source: Espírito Imortal
Fear of the Commitment
This fear usually coincides with perfectionism. Many times we feel the need to make the best possible decision to get on with our lives. Our life is constantly changing and growing. We have only been able to make the best possible decision based on our current knowledge. There are no perfect decisions, and many times we have the possibility to change our decision if we realize that it is not working as we would wish. It is precisely from this process that the change and growth of each one of us are nourished. The decisions establish a relation with the knowledge that we have at the moment and that one we face in certain circumstances or situations of life.
It is with the facts that we have at the moment that we must commit ourselves to the behaviors, attitudes or decisions that we take. Fear of commitment inhibits us to live life as it is, full of options and possibilities that prove to be effective, successful or happy only if we take on and do what we deem necessary to achieve the desired results. Only later we are able to analyze what we have done. Sometimes being successful, sometimes not. But it has been through trial and error that all mankind has reached the point where we find ourselves.
Source: Obvious
Fear of Rejection
There is always the possibility of experiencing the rejection of others, but the pain resulting from this feeling will be preferable to the pain of rejecting oneself to be accepted by others. Can you always be happy living your life according to the ideas of others, or will you feel resentment and frustration letting go of the opportunity to be accepted by your true self? If you follow your heart, you will allow the rapprochement of those who support you and believe in you. The vast majority of those who reject you will certainly not be the best people to choose to have in your life.
Express yourself, express your way of being, assume your positions and opinions. People should accept us for what we are and how we are, this avoids hypocrisy, avoids a life of make-believe, and enhances self-esteem and confidence, both in us and in life.
Source: Pastor Antonio Junior Site
Expose Yourself to Life
Sometimes fear is so disabling that we think we can die. A thought of rejection of the feared thing grows in ourselves that makes us move away from it, hoping that one day it will be born in us the courage to deal with the fear. From what I've been reading about this problem named anxiety and other problems related to anxiety disorders, the most effective technique for managing and/or eradicating fears is through exposure, more specifically through coping with what fear is and represents.
It is usual to hear people with some kind of fear say, "I'll do it later." What's the problem of doing it right now? If you find yourself in this situation, what prevents you from doing the smallest thing possible in order to face what you fear or hate? Can you make a phone call, write a letter, return to the course for a long time on standby, or simply wipe some of the papers that have been accumulating on your desk? If you set out to do a little every day, most likely you will be able to finish or resolve what you want. If you do nothing, you will never see the change.
Source: Sucesso na Internet
Sometimes Time is Our Friend
Some things in our life will be resolved over time, but if this becomes a rule by which we guide ourselves, we run the risk of being exposed to external forces, which we have no control whatsoever. If we are passively waiting for things in our lives to change, we quickly fall into a situation of victimization or disappointment. A far more constructive attitude is to take a more positive role and work on the things we want, the things we were expecting to happen by themselves. We should try to guide our actions in order to be in a more advantageous and favorable situation.
How long have you been waiting for your self-destructive behavior and attitudes to take effect on your own? One week, one month, one year? Ten years, twenty years? Maybe now is the time to ask for help or once and for all to help yourself.
Source: Sucessomental.com
The Denial Traps
One of the worst things that can happen to us is to refuse to acknowledge the problems we have, by engaging in a self-restraint action. A premise for a change is the need to admit our problems or disabling situations because denial can keep us "paralyzed" for forever. Sometimes we refuse to admit our problems and fears and this is a result of false pride. Do you find it difficult to admit that you are wrong, that you need to face your problems? If so, maybe it's time to realize why. Consider seeking to gather feedback from an impartial source, such as a counselor, or a psychologist, or even a personal development course. The goal is to identify some areas you need to change and/or face in your life.
If your life is crumbling, but you pretend that nothing is happening, this is called denial. It is easy to deny the truth when we have a tunnel vision and ignore the big picture. Ignoring things has never been a great strategy since it does not make them disappear. One way to identify the intensity of the problem is to try to record the degree of discomfort and dysfunction it causes in your daily life. What did you fail doing? What did you avoid? What makes you panic, feel desperate? What makes you anxious to the point where your heart leaps out of your mouth? On a scale of 0 to 10 how much is it hurting your work, your study, your relationship with your soulmate, your relationship with your friends and family? To what degree does it affect your well-being and happiness? To what extent do your self-esteem and self-confidence diminish?
Source: Business Day
Fear of Failure
Some people feel humiliated because they are not perfect. Eventually, because they have experienced being ridiculized or being humiliated by defeat. In the tumultuous and sinuous way to the path of perfectionism, the idea being constructed is that if one does not try, one can not fail. Sometimes the fear of failure paralyzes us on our trail, even before we start the action. The fear of failure usually prevents us from putting all our effort into a situation. Fear prevents and makes us avoid living our lives in all its splendor. Failure is an option but fear is not.
The Fear of Express Feelings
Not expressing feelings works like a pressure cooker, the longer you keep the lid closed, the higher the pressure is generated. In fact the feelings are impossible to contain, sooner or later they will emerge and make themselves felt. Perhaps in a way unrelated to the inducing situation, they are expressed in the most varied ways, such as physical illness, skin problems, obesity, stress, or inability to cope with demanding situations. In fact, you will always find a way to express your feelings. Keeping them bottled up and over pressure will always drive them to undesirable side effects. Expressing your emotions openly and directly directs energy in a much healthier way, making sure it is functional and appropriate for the development of emotional balance.
Source: Psychology Today
The Fear of Success
Many of us have learned that success is selfish. We have been told over and over again not to feel "inflated" and "vain." Success can bring praise, attention, and notoriety with which we may not feel comfortable. Success can put us in a position of leadership and increased responsibility. We can get the idea that we have to answer more questions and we have to expose ourselves often or have to speak to groups of people or organizations. The expectation of others may grow upon us as we have shown to be competent. If all these situations cause us discomfort and appear as disagreeable, they fit perfectly into the component of fear, and we look at success as a phobia. One way to get away from all this is to stop before we can be successful. However, this avoidance certainly has a price. A continuing lack of success in our lives leads us from certainty to depression, demotivation, a sense of failure, lethargy, and powerlessness to deal with most life situations.
Source: All Things Work Place
The Necessity to Be in Control
Uncertainty can cause fear. When things go in the direction of what we want, we feel safe. In an attempt to avoid fear, we may fall into the temptation of looking at the world wishing it remains the same. Sometimes we get stuck in rigid routines that keep us from growing and being flexible. We may also tend to insist that others conform to our ideas of right and wrong, and we feel threatened when they do not. Trying to create a totally "safe" world is like building our own prison. They hold us hostage to our own fear. Many of the anxiety disorders, such as panic disorder, emerge from being afraid of being afraid. To live a life in this way becomes totally incapacitating, and we are constantly alert whenever something does not happen as we would wish.
This video is incredibly good and it closes perfectly this blog. I hope you had a great journey through your reading and that everyone may accomplish their goals! Thanks so much for staying here with me!
Stay tuned for more!