Feeling Bad Looking at His Face for the Last Time

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Photo credit: onebigphoto.com

In the post titled "Life Is Too Short" I talked about a wake I attended for my father’s friend who died of colon cancer. Events like this remind us about the brevity of life and how delicate our existence is in this world.

In this blog post, I will relate the story of an acquaintance in our church who passed away unexpectedly after he met with an accident. He was my schoolmate in high school, and we used to chat in our church when we had time. So I tried my best to attend the last night of vigil to be able to see him one last time.

Photo credit: 2.bp.blogspot.com

At the time of this writing, I still feel bad about it. Several speculations surrounding his untimely death surfaced during the wake. Someone supposed maybe he was driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI), while others surmised he must have slept a little because he came from his duty as a BJMP police.

The cause of death given by his family was that the road was slippery at that time as a result of continuous rain for several days. The other angle to the issue that caught my attention was that his back ride jumped off his seat when he saw an impending danger. As a result, the driver was pushed forward while the back rider tried to save himself. He was saved but severely injured, while our friend died a tragic death.

Anyway, whatever the reason, one thing will never change: our friend died already. We just think of it as the time of his passing and we expressed our condolences to his family.

* Warning: This blog post is my original work. Please don't plagiarize.

About the author


Once you question your own beliefs, it's over.

-- Naruto

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