Film Annex aired a short documentary called Sandy on Coney Island this morning, documenting the damage and the devastation Hurricane Sandy caused in the Coney Island area in October, 2012. The documentary was filmed by the Film Annex production crew on location and edited at the Film Annex studios in Manhattan. The entire process including production and post-production took less than a week.
Shortly after the Hurricane, Film Annex cinematographers and editors, Alexey Levchenko and Semyon Maltsev, drove to Coney Island to witness the storm's aftermath with their cameras and interview local residents. In the video above, the main interviewee who is a young Russian woman, talks about what she and her family went through during the storm, the current state of the neighborhood, recovery efforts, and more.
Did you document Sandy with your cameras? Send your footage to to be part of a bigger documentary project about Sandy, produced by Film Annex. More information available right here.