Final, fashionable, touches to issue 14! | Fashion as Art, Art as Fashion....

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Today in the office we’re busy putting the very important final touches in time for issue 14.  Stockists lists are being collected and we're just realising how many amazing designers are featured in the new issue! Layouts are being created, and everything is coming together quite nicely. Things are quietening down towards the end of the day; with interns leaving to assist in photo shoots and credits finally being completed. However, tomorrow is another day and we’re one step closer to publishing issue 14, and to revealing the all-mysterious cover! In the meantime, watch the making of Volt Magazine Issue 13 to give yourself a feel of what is happening right now for issue 14:

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VOLT MAGAZINE, 420 X 345MM Fashion as Art, Art as Fashion... The magazines enormous size was originally formulated to display each image in as much intricate detail and beauty as possible. VOLT is also unbound so that individual images can be framed as if each image were a poster.…

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