First Look Into Russell Brand’s New Book "Revolution"

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Russell Brand is the proof that the world is insane.

Only in a crazy world a comedian is the most sensible person who speaks the truth, and elected politicians are the public buffoons who regurgitate the same lies and resist any change to the status quo.

In his new book "Revolution" Brand talks about why we need a revolution, why it's a real possibility and why it will not be boring. In a world where 85 people have as much money as the 3.5 billion poorest people, a revolution is not only a possibility, it's an inevitability. Brand advocates for a society with no centralized power, no titles, global debt forgiveness and the end of capitalism, which is the root cause of poverty and the depletion of natural resources.

"We have to respect the planet so we can use the resources to nourish the people. Somehow this simple equation has been allowed to become extremely confusing."

Essentially, Brand asks 2 pivotal questions: 1) Are you happy with things the way they are? And 2) Do you believe that things could be better? If you've answered "no; yes", it's a book for you.

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