Five Top Television Shows That Must Be Watched

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Here are five great television shows that I love to watch. In my opinion, they all have great stories, and they are thrilling and interesting to watch. So, here they are.

Supernatural - This television series has been going for a few years, but as each season went by it got more interesting. Supernatural is about two brothers who call themselves hunters. They hunt supernatural things that no one can explain. I have been watching this since it started from the very beginning and it's a thrilling show!

The Vampire Diaries - I love this television show. It's about a girl who discovers two brothers who are vampires. Her friend is, also, a witch. It's an interesting story to watch!

Fringe - This is about a crazy scientist doctor that is released from a mental home to help investigate strange goings on with an investigation team.

Gossip Girl - This television show is set in New York, where poor friends go to school with rich kids. Each one of them gets wind up in each others' lives. Lots of dramatic moments in Gossip Girl that will get you hooked!

Merlin - This television series is set in England in the days of Camelot. Merlin is full of magical power and a young lad that goes to live in the castle where the king and his son, the Prince, live. Merlin's adventures start here. A brilliant show to watch!

What television shows do you enjoy?