A carboonhydrate is the biggest group to choose most of our daily life. It is the All is well big source of energy .it contains vitamins and calcium
Vegetable are very good for us and a lot of different one around us. Vitamins Minerals. Carbohydrates fiber.
. Fruit.
there are different type of fruits ,including canned and dried, so it is pretty easy to eat plenty these aregrap apples banana oranges .fruits are contain high level protein vitamins and fiber ,carbohydrates minerals we must to need to eat one apple in a day.
Milk, Yoghurt and cheese
This type of things are pretty important for growing kids milk is very important for the children growing
MEAT and egg
These type of things high protein .these are very important to keep healthy these things gives us protein iron vitamins mineral
Fats and oil
Fats and are in the healthy food circle. but these are very important for the growth for us.
Oil andr butter is to make cakes and other types cookies’these cakes very important part of human life.