Free-Spirited People Are Awesome To Be Around

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The world needs more Free-Spirited People. I am not talking 60s era hippies, or 80s era free-lovers, more like the ones that just make everybody around them smile when they are present.



Where I work there is a young lady like what I mean. She has a beautiful smile and flashes it often. Laughter fills the air when she thinks something is funny, and that laughing is contagious. Her long pony-tail swooshes like a show-pony when she is in between work areas.

The thing I like about her most is her ability to laugh at herself, but like everyone else she has a quirk. She BURPS OUT LOUD!!! If she has a carbonated drink, that drink will announce its own arrival in a very short time.

How can you not love being around people that are so comfortable being themselves.


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