Free Your Mind, Free yourself

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Waiting. So many of us are doing it. But, what are we waiting for exactly? Waiting for the weekend? For summer? For love? For a better job? For happiness? How many woke up today in a city they hate dreading the job they must go to. And yet, tomorrow they will wake up and do the very same thing. I often ask myself how one can feel stuck when there is such a great big world out there? After much pondering I have come to realize three basic factors that keep people stuck. First, they do not recognize their own potential. Many are stuck in their own heads, failing to realize the only limitations we have are the ones we place on ourselves. They allow past mistakes or failings to dictate future exploits rather than use them as lessons in moving ahead. Some feel they are limited by circumstances deal unto them by others and spend the majority of their time blaming these persons they feel are responsible for their demise. They tell themselves, my how different my life would have been had so and so not meddled in my affairs. While it may be true that another persons actions landed us in an unwanted space, we have the power to transcend our negative mindset and change the course. Others are plagued by fear of the uncertain, constantly turning over worst case scenarios in their minds, never playing out positive outcomes. They ask what if I fall, without noticing the potential for flight.

Another more less internally based limitation is that of financing ones escape from Stuckville. In simpler terms, where will I find the money to get where I want to be? Everything now a days comes with a price tag. But again, transcending this barrier lies with the mind. Some say that money is power but there exists a yet greater currency. Knowledge. Knowledge is power. With knowledge you can acquire money and facilitate a lifestyle that suits you. All it takes is establishing a plan, and doing your utmost to see it through, remembering that nothing good comes easily and hard work will eventually pay off. Avoiding distractions and keeping focused will get you where you want to be. Be it by taking a course or a class, networking, saving and working your way gradually, persistence is key. If you don't like where you are perhaps a change of scenery may change your perspective? Again there are other towns citys and countries than the one you're in. Save up for that ticket and start fresh. 

All things considered, making logical decisions and strategic moves can pay dividends in your life. But an important truth remains. No matter where you go, you cannot escape yourself. So again it all comes full circle back to your mindset. If what you are seeking to escape is within you, no amount of physical miles can separate you from your mind. The same thoughts and outlooks that plague you in one place will follow you wherever you go. Demanding your attention and commanding your steps. If you are holding on to emotional baggage, recognize that you are only hurting yourself. You are keeping yourself behind. Do some soul searching and seek out what weights lie within. In that way you will free yourself from what was truly holding you back. Open your mind and your life to the world. 

About the author


Intern at Bitlanders NYC

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