From a Vision to a Reality

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My first post on Film Annex is a really big thing for me; it fulfills the vision I had in the year 2000. At that time the Internet was brand new; I knew nothing about how it worked or who was behind the scenes. However, I did know one thing for certain; THIS was the future. Unfortunately, I was the only one of my friends who could see that one day we would be able to watch movies on the Internet. Explaining what webcasting was to anyone became a frustrating experience because I wasn't talking to computer science majors.  Nevertheless, I moved forward, but at the same time, I was scared out of my wits-it was a very exciting time.

In the middle of my Internet research my life changed completely; September 11, 2001 stunned me into silence for about two weeks when the reality of what had happened sunk in; hearing the names of people I had known who were suddenly gone from my life made my spirit break.

It was the general response to the events of that  day that followed which sparked my turning point; I packed my bags and moved to Athens, Greece. I wanted to see the evidence of people who lived before me. I also wanted to see how the Internet was being used in another country. Strangely enough, more people in Greece could see the future I had in my mind's eye but were not equipped as well as the Americans.

Television is a really popular form of entertainment, and many of the programs are from live events; making you feel like you are there. Perhaps this is why the could connect the dots easier.

It was the Internet success and subsequent failure for many business that first caused me to investigate. It was a real Alice in Wonderland show; the powers that be had dropped me onto this unfamiliar planet called the Internet in CyberSpace. Comparing the Internet of that time period to the current capabilities we enjoy makes it seem like more than just 11 years has passed.

Yet with every step forward to accomplishing the reality of webcasting, the communication skills that would maximize the effectiveness were considered secondary.  Thankfully, interpersonal skills are in the spotlight and  beginning to get the attention they deserve; even in a candid interview, words are better chosen and said wisely. Speaking face to face is more interactive than writing a note and being aware of  the difference between these two methods can help reduce misunderstandings.

Beneath the surface of the languages we use to communicate is a whole network of subtleties; that give us the power to persuade the emotions and can affect the mental/physical state. These mysteries of life make for some pretty deep stuff actually, but they make life so much more interesting.

What do you think? I would  like to know your perspective. Fill me in.

Till next time,


About the author


In 2001, I incorporated Suneva Webcasting and in 2003, launched the company's first website with the vision that's realized here in the Film Annex. I hope the stories I tell on my channel will be helpful in celebrating the unique people we are beyond the news headlines. I am delighted…

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