From Sweat Shop to Death Trap - by Ambassador mo

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More than 20 women burning or forced to jump to their death has moved my old friend Bruce Rosen of Jews Against Genocide - (a voice against genocide in Bosnia) - to take action to spread the cry of those suffering and now dying while trying to survive working under at times inhuman and dangerous conditions, many that just don't have to be. This is consistent with our commitment to nurture the global citizens access to information, to allow you to know even if you cannot always be there to act. I include the brief message and call to action that Bruce Rosen forwarded below:
Yesterday a fire broke out on the 9th story of a large garment factory in Bangladesh (video). There are eyewitness accounts of a blocked stairwell and people jumping from the building. There are many dead and more injured. Most of the victims are young women.

Sound familiar?

Don't Mourn - Organize!

Our friends at SweatFree Communities have suggestions for immediate actions you can take:

* A call for justice for workers in Bangladesh

* Support the Jobs through Procurement Act

* Stop our state dollars from supporting sweatshops [ME, NY, PA & WI are part of the Sweat Free Consortium]

The fight for safe working conditions & equitable pay in Bangladesh is fierce. Only last Sunday 3 people were killed in a protest for improved working conditions. Learn more about the situation in Bangladesh.

What will you do to stand up for justice today?

- Remember the Triangle Fire Coalition
Join Us!

New York City - Open Meeting Tomorrow!
Thursday, December 16
Jefferson Market Library
(corner of 6th Avenue and 10th Street)

Chicago - contact Amy Laiken
Los Angeles - contact Andy Griggs
Washington DC - contact Danielle Tipton or Trina Tocco

I just took action through the Sweat Free Communities link above to help bring justice to workers in Bangladesh, and I hope you'll join me by doing the same.

The government of Bangladesh is heralding a raise in the minimum wage, due to take effect today. But according to the new report by the International Labor Rights Forum, "Enemies of the Nation or Human Rights Defenders? Fighting Poverty Wages in Bangladesh," the new US$43 minimum wage is still a “malnutrition wage.” Even Bangladeshi prisoners are better off than garment workers in nutritional terms, the report claims.

When workers staged protests demanding a much higher wage, the Bangladeshi government responded by scapegoating and imprisoning worker leaders. Thanks to an international solidarity campaign those leaders are now free on bail. However, the falsified charges against them remain.

Together we can send a loud and clear message to the Bangladeshi government and major apparel brands. U.S. retailers, Bangladeshi factories, and the Bangladeshi government all need to take responsibility for ensuring garment workers receive a living wage and are free to organize.

Take action here:



About the author


"Voice of the Global Citizen"- Diplomatically Incorrect ( provide film and written reports on issues reflecting diplomatic discourse and the global citizen. Ambassador Muhamed Sacirbey (@MuhamedSacirbey) is former Foreign Minister Ambassador of Bosnia & Herzegovina at the United Nations. "Mo" is also signatory of the Rome Conference/Treaty establishing the International…

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