n the dead of winter, as temperatures hit the below zero mark, many adverse situations can arise as a result in your home or office. Plumbing systems in particular can end up freezing, causing your water supply to cease and pipes to burst. If this happens to you, you should call a licensed plumbing contractor immediately. Attempting to repair this type of problem on your own is not recommended, as you don't have the proper materials, equipment, expertise, or safety gear. You could be seriously injured if you try to heat up pipes on your own. There are many documented cases of people using hair dryers and other small appliances to unfreeze pipes, only to result in accidents and injuries. Once you've made the decision to seek help, look for a plumbing company that is licensed, insured, and bonded in your area.
A reputable plumbing contractor will have more than 20 years of experience identifying and eliminating frozen or busted pipes. They should be able to offer you references and customer testimonials.The company should be experienced providing free interior and exterior inspections, as well as taking care of broken sump pumps, drain backups, faulty supply lines, and more. Experienced plumbing professionals will sit down with you, one-on-one, to discuss your repair or replacement options. In some cases, all is needed is a professional de-icing treatment, however, in others, pipes may need to be replaced.
Frozen pipes require immediate attention from a successful, licensed plumbing company. Plumbing emergencies can be quite costly for business and homeowners, especially during the winter.