Fun Email Facts and Trivia

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The term "emails" refers to messages transmitted by electronic means from one computer user to one or more recipients over the internet. Most people use email nowadays because it is an effective communication tool. It is one of the greatest things that internet makes possible.

As for me, I love using email for I find it helpful and useful for my personal and business matters. Actually, I have 3 email accounts. Two of those are for personal uses, while the other one is for business and online job transactions. 

Surely, emails help you in so many ways too my dear ka-bits. But do you know some fun and fascinating facts and trivias about it? I know some and I am going to share those on this blog.

  1.  The world's first email was sent in 1971 by Ray Tomlinson.
  2. The New York Times reports that in February 2004, 62 % of all email was spam.
  3. 35 billion e-mails are sent each day throughout the world.
  4. Bill Gates uses email since at least July 16, 1982.
  5. The most common email password's "123456".

I hope you enjoyed the email facts listed above. Do you know any trivia about email too? I'd love to know more. Feel free to write them below.




About the author


I am a music lover... a woman who thanks God every second of my life for His unconditional love.

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