"One hundred days to a once-in-a-generation opportunity. We must agree on sustainable solutions to build the future we want,” is message from UN
Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on cusp of
Rio+20 conference on sustainable development that will be held in Brazil in June which calls to governments, businesses and civil society to make sustainability a core issue for the future. See our Video for Blog -
Social Media will be an integral part of effort and reaching out to global audience. We at
www.diplomaticallyincorrect.org look forward to assisting the “Vocie of the Global Citizen” in being heard at and most critically prior to Rio in this critical lead-up period. The UN, Rio+20 and our efforts will be focused on the hashtag “Future We Want (
#futurewewant). See our
Film Online Video – “Rio+20 Your Future”-
“Through social media, we hope to reach an ever-growing number of people about the importance of the conference and the need to take action now to advance sustainable development,” he said, adding that the involvement of civil society was “critical for the success of Rio+20,” according to Sha Zukang, who is Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs and Secretary-General of the
Rio+20 conference, More than 100 heads of State, along with thousands of parliamentarians, mayors, UN officials, CEOs, and civil society leaders will come together at Rio+20 to shape and adopt new policies and measures to promote prosperity, reduce poverty and advance social equity and environmental protection.
Also See our
Video for Blog “UN Green Hackathon” -
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By Ambassador Muhamed Sacirbey – Follow @MuhamedSacirbey
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