Gameing Out November, Part One!

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Barring a cataclysmic act of God or an unforeseen Craigslist photo scandal, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney is going to be the Republican nominee for President of the United States. After blowing his competitors out of the water in this week’s Illinois Primary, Romney all but assured himself of the nomination, and the endorsement of establishment Republican leaders such as former Florida Governor Jeb Bush have all but sealed the deal. Once the confetti falls at the GOP convention this August, it will be Romney who will bear his party’s battle standard as he marches to war against the Obama Money Machine.


It’s very early to attempt to game out November, but it’s never too early to look at some of the issues that could end up defining the campaign.  Can President Obama once again seduce America with his catchy rhetoric about a better tomorrow? Or will the American people accept the notion that we need a hands-on manager with tangible business acumen to get the nation back on track? Here are some key factors that are going to influence that decision.


Obama Fatigue: In 2008, Obama’s charisma and oratory was mesmerizing. His message of common sense progressivism (ie “Hope and Change") was just the right antidote for eight tumultuous years under George W. Bush. This time, Obama has to run on the promise of more change, and he’ll have to explain why much of his domestic agenda has been either abandoned or, in the case of Healthcare, has been significantly watered down by Congress. Romney will make the case that Obama’s policies are taking us on a socialist trajectory that, coupled with reckless government spending, can have devastating effects on the nation’s economy.


Healthcare and the Supremes: Later this month, the Supreme Court will hear Oral Arguments regarding the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Healthcare Act- otherwise known as “Obamacare.” Conservative Groups and Republican Attorneys General are alleging that, among other things, that the President enacted a law that violated the Commerce Clause of the Constitution. If the court, which is ideologically divided on most issues, rules against Obama, it could be a huge boost for Romney, despite the fact that he signed a similar bill into law as Governor of Massachusetts.


Jobs and Gas: The President’s chances are directly linked to unemployment numbers and gas prices- despite the fact that many intelligent people realize that the Executive Branch isn’t souly responsible for either one of these things. If the percentage of unemployed Americans rises about 9% or higher, Obama will be in serious danger. Also, if gas prices rise steadily throughout the Summer, Romney will no doubt tie the President’s reluctance to ramp up domestic oil drilling as the main reason why we’re suffering at the pump. Romney may even adopt Newt Gingrich’s cockamamie scheme to achieve $2.50 a gallon on a consistent basis. I’m pretty sure that plan involves oil drilling on the moon, but that has not been confirmed or denied by Gingrich’s staff.

Tune in later this week for more issues breakdowns!!

About the author


Jeffrey is a college professor and political operative from Long Island, NY. He has a long history of working in the areas of legislative affairs, development, and government transparency. Notably, he is a strident advocate for social, economic and environmental justice. He holds a BA in Political Science from Sacred…

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