G.I.V.E. The Global Initiative for Veteran Entrepreneurship Part 2

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Today I watched 3 interviews on the http://www.filmannex.com with Afghanistan Marine Veterans Colin Dailey, Marine Lance Rider, and Marine Shane Loughner. I just can’t stop watching these documentary interviews on the Film Annex free on line video platform which also features the latest independent films from independent film makers like Abel Ferrara director of the Bad Lieutenant & King of New York. 
I am not a political person and I am not pro military or a member of a veterans support organization. I am a stereo typical Liberal NYC Jew. So why am I so addicted to this documentary? I didn't shoot it! Watch it and you will see what has me so enthralled. The soldiers answer questions about; Jobs after military service, lack of education in Afghanistan and Building schools in Afghanistan with a frank and honest discourse that only a soldier can deliver.

Its inspirational how almost every Marine says that his role models are his superior officers and their fathers but none of them have a role model in business. There is a lack of jobs after military service and most veteran friendly jobs are low paying and lack the possibility of any serious upward mobility. Most soldiers lack a solid plan for entrepreneurship and owners of veteran businesses are being crunched in the economic downturn.

The programs that worked in Afghanistan such as building schools in Afghanistan and consequently improving the education system in Afghanistan are the typical agrarian economy’s best hopes at helping Afghanistan. The Afghan governmental system is draconian and current events in Afghanistan and world news continually focus on Taliban Afghanistan war articles and not the hard working nature of it’s mostly peaceful farming culture.

The http://www.FilmAnnexCorp.Com is providing these veterans paid to blog opportunities by posting veteran blogs the Film Annex provides both an on line video platform and instruction on how to write a blog and get paid not to mention a personalized website for making money for Afghanistan veterans.

Listening to these Afghanistan Marine Veterans recount tales of their first hand experiences in Marjah and what they think are the most effective ways to help Afghanistan and it’s peoples. While only a snap shot of life in Afghanistan is portrayed in these documentary interviews and you can hardly say these soldiers know all about Afghanistan we clearly know less and the lessons are fascinating.

About the author


Kombat VOD Inc. VP Sales, 2009 President of Kombat VOD Inc. (my second Video-on-Demand cable television network, launched September 15, 2009.) Dedicated mixed martial arts on Comcast’s South Florida system. Adventurous VOD Inc. VP Sales, 2001 Launched Adventurous Video on Demand Inc. on Time Warner Cable NYC. Re-branded linear Pay…

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