Globe’s Press History

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Part one

There is no doubt that everybody knows something about worth of press. Before beginning of our discussion on history of press, we have to know, what is press? – What are its duties? - As well as, why people esteemed it?

In fact, press is the best  way of delivery of messages and a stimulate power of controlling and organizing public’s mind and for creating and directing high level thoughts of human being.

Controlling of public’s thoughts expect a creative and substantial role from press, because via it we can prevent from dispersion of people’s thoughts

There is no place for doubt which approximately 130 – 134 years ago, people had been accepted that press is fourth force and pillar of a government, but at the present time, power of press is further more than before; because it could be the best channel for advertising democracy’s advantages as well as the great path for awareness of people.

We can cite that beside awareness, advertising, entertainment, defending of people’s believing, it can organize and mobilize public’s thoughts in special circumstances.

Press is responsible for controlling of social structure of a society and political and social growth as well as it had a great role in advancement of political intelligence of people along with world’s history. At the moment press including all channels, for instance: (entertainment, education, awareness, and etc.)

In fact, magazines, newspaper, TV’s, radios, in addition all of them have their responsibilities for delivery of messages and get people information higher, beyond this advancement of knowledge and technology, have been changing the situation then before it means that now 95 percent of world’s people are addicted to press which this is unprecedented.

It’s mentionable which press and it’s all branches was not made in a glance; every kind of it had created as the result of hard working and needs.

At the end I want to say, if journalist wants to write perfectly and can compare phenomena with each other, needs to know about his or her country’s press history, in first step and later on search and know about globe’s press history; because press records world’s economical, social and political circumstances.



About the author


Student of Journalism Faculty

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