It said that every person have golden time in a day. A time of the day that your mind is fully ready to think and learn. Every thing you read in this time you can memorize it quickly. Also your body is the same.
It said that every person's golden time is different, some people are early bird and some are night owel. I am early bird person. And the morning time when most of people are sleep, I can wake up and be fresh and start my day.
These days I am prepare myself for GMAT test and I am studying on mornings. But some days like today that I did not sleep good. I just walkimg aroud and doing nothing.
When I start my day bad, most of the time it continue. I am trying to change today to a useful day. I start by writing here after several days.
Any way, I am little worry about my test but I will study and do my best.
Have a nice day.
A woman from Kabul :)