Good Morning friends, Some time fluent English helps in resolving some issues in India.India is a country with Hindi as National language and English as global language.There are still people in India who really dream to have fluent spoken English and they do impress with people who speak English with fluency. I have booked my Imagica park ticket as a regular one and I wanted to upgrade the same with VIP.They have some strange policy that once ticket is sold then it can not be upgraded to even higher version.I booked the same 30 days before.I have spoken to the representative of customer care but he did not listen to me
He connected with his next level office and I have requested him first in local language but he did not agree.Then I got angry and started to speak in fluent English with that officer and with my surprise he was astonished to see my decent and fluent English.He asked 3 hours time to resolve this issue and after 3 hours he told me that when I visit the park on the gate itself I can upgrade my tickets as a special case.What a nice benefit of fluent English