The UN’s Nuclear Agency announced more meetings on re Iran’s nuclear project just as it had concluded the investigative mission yesterday (January 31, 2011). The experts, from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), met with Iranian officials in the country’s capital, Tehran, from Sunday to Tuesday in an effort to resolve outstanding substantive issues. Another meeting will now be held in Tehran on 21-22 February, according to an IAEA statement.
The IAEA delegation had also discussed with Iranian officials the initial steps that need to be taken by the country. “The agency is committed to intensifying dialogue. It remains essential to make progress on substantive issues,” said Yukiya Amano, the IAEA Director General. (The brief Statement by Mr. Amano is included below). The statement noted that the experts had explained their concerns and identified priorities, which focus on the clarification of possible military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear program.
While ran has repeatedly stated that its nuclear program is for the peaceful purpose of providing energy, some states including the US, EU and Israel contend it is seeking to develop nuclear weapons. The UN Security Council has imposed four rounds of sanctions against Iran, citing the proliferation risks of its nuclear program and its continued failure to cooperate with the IAEA. These sanctions and dispute over Iran’s nuclear program have recently highlighted the vulnerabilities of the oil passageway of the Strait of Hormuz and potential blockade/military conflict over such.
As we outlined in our last post, we see the recent reemergence of the IAEA role and inspections as an extension of diplomacy. No resolution is likely in near term, but conflict is not in interest of most/all of the major states involved. The diplomacy will be played out like an extended cat and mouse or poker game if you prefer. Read our Article – “Iran Slow Diplomacy Over Rapid Slide to War?” -
By Ambassador Muhamed Sacirbey - FOLLOW mo @MuhamedSacirbey
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1 February 2012 | Meetings between the IAEA and Iran were held in Tehran from 29 to 31 January 2012, aimed at resolving all outstanding substantive issues. Another meeting will take place in Tehran from 21 to 22 February 2012.
The IAEA explained its concerns and identified its priorities, which focus on the clarification of possible military dimensions to Iran's nuclear programme.
The IAEA also discussed with Iran the topics and initial steps to be taken, as well as associated modalities.
"The Agency is committed to intensifying dialogue. It remains essential to make progress on substantive issues," IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano said.