Google's latest.

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I don't know if many people have heard about this but Google is about to be reinventing the way a smart is. Don't get to excited because they are starting this release in Puerto Rico before anywhere else. That being said this new smartphone is supposed to make it where you would not have to buy another one for another 10 years. They call it project ara and everything that may need to be replaced (for example a broke screen), or upgraded (camera, processor, battery, speaker, ect.) can be done within seconds by disabling the magnetic it is using to hold it on. Then, sliding the old on off and the new one on. Essentially after the purchase of the phone the only purchase you would need to make is for upgrades. This phone would also take alot of peoples jobs to replace broken screens out of business.

About the author


My name is Shanto and i am from Bangladesh.I like to use social networking site very much and bitlanders is best.

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