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Graffiti is a kind of medium that transmits different ideologies. Social activists use Graffiti for its free attitude and because it is rarely censored. Graffiti covers different areas, from political and pro-government messages to social, ethnical, religious, and racial messages. Graffiti is drown everywhere as long as the place has the potential to deliver to the message to its audience, and does not have any negative effect on anyone.   

In the Kabul City however, the story is different. Off course they are some professional graffiti makers with the certain rules, but there are some others who disturbing people by making graffiti in public environment. Bellow photo is a graffiti made in a business sign bored that influenced the bored hided the messages behind it. 


The place of the graffiti is not the only problem, and so are the messages and graphics used in the graffiti. Nowadays in Kabul city anyone can buy a paint spray and express tasteless feelings wherever they want. The photo explains the meaningless messages and graphics. Sometimes it goes beyond this immoral graphics and messages that are seriously harmful to society. As I discussed at the beginning, graffiti has a great value among societies, and my request for those who see this post is to share it with others in order to develop a culture for graffiti maker. 


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