Halloween Started Early

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    Ellie couldn't believe her eyes. Blood was splatted on the floor and even against lockers.Her best friend, Teresa's grip on her arm was enough to tell her, she was not dreaming. Tat this was a nightmare. A living nightmare! Ellie wasn't sure what happened, but the body of her classmate was on the yellow tiled floor in a pool of blood. Mohammed covered his mouth and choked down his lunch. "Shit," He said looking away. Teresa began to sob, "Ellie..." she whispered. Ellie glanced at her. "I want to leave..." Ellie nodded her agreement. "Momo, lets just tell the teachers and leave the school." Mohammed looked at her and nodded, he took a step forward but then stopped. He took his jacket off and gentle placed it over the body. "I'm sorry Spencer..." They left the body and walked quickly to the main office.  

    Mohammed pulled on the door handle but it didn't open. He tried again, but still nothing. He tried pushing it but nothing happened. Then all the lights turned off. Teresa screamed, startling Ellie. "Teresa, relax!" She pulled out her phone to use as a light. "The Janitor most likely forgot there were clubs today." Mohammed pulled out his phone and used its light to look at Ellie's face. "Ellie, remember clubs were cancelled today for a teacher meeting?" Ellie froze, "Then...where are the teachers?" There was a loud thump and clattering of lockers from where the body was. Teresa whimpered "I'm not good with scary stuff..." The noises stopped and there was silence.

    Ellie looked at Mohammed, "We should probable go check that out..." Mohammed frowned, "You do know that, in horror movies this is how the teenagers die right?" Teresa, gripped onto me more, "Ellie, lets just leave, pretend we weren't even here." Mohammed, rose his hand, "I second that motion!" Ellie sighed, "Fine.Its not like its Halloween yet so its probable nothing but a black out then a person tripping....." She trialed off because they all were aware not one was in that hall expect the body. 

   There was a rustling dragging noise coming from down the hallway, they all slowly turned around and saw Mohammed coat on the floor, slowly inching closer to them. As each over them took at step back, Ellie asked, "Mohammed...does your jacket normally do that?" A nervous chuckle came out of Mohammed, "Oh yeah, that's what it down...when there is something under it...normally..." Teresa started whimpering and in a low voice said, "I don't like Halloween..." Ellie watched as the jacket continued to come closer but the suddenly stopped. "You know its only Oct, 21st right?" A loud hissing breathing came from under the coat, then it began to bulge upward.

    Blood covered hands and feet came out from under the coat, the breathing got louder, as the thing stood, the hood of the jacket covering the face. They all took three steps back. Ellie opened her mouth to say something when the hood fell off. The face was gone, the persons face was gone, there was nothing there no ears no eyes no mouth or nose! Then it took a step stomping forward and a agonizing cry came from it. "Fuck that!" He pushed Ellie and Teresa out the way and took off running in the opposite direction. Teresa ran into the girls bathroom and Ellie stood frozen as the faceless body came closer. Ellie's breathing picked up and she stared at it. The monster was directly in front of her now, lines appeared on its bare face and opened revealing layers of teeth, it screamed in Ellie's face.  

   Ellie screamed at the top of her lungs and sat up. She was in the nurses office. She sighed with relief, "I'm so glad that was just a nightmare, its not even Halloween yet and I'm getting nightmares." She turned around and noticed the nurse with her back turned. The nurse chuckled, "You know what they say, "Halloween starts early for the weak." Ellie paused, "What? No one says that..." The nurse turned around and was completely faceless, Her monster like mouth opened and she said "I do!" Ellie screamed loudly.


(For the readers: Hey guys! So this is a little fiction short lame story I just wiped up in like, an hour and a half. Its not really based on anything BUT I can say that the idea come from a weird incident at school today that had to do with this red juice that was splatted all over the lockers and floor and it looked like blood so I thought it was funny because its like "Halloween Started Early" kind of thing, you know? So it just kinda came to me, then the rest was just random free writing. I used the name of my lovely freshmen at my high school. So thanks to them. And this is my first blog, so I'm sorry its not...awesome? But I'll be post more random stories about the things I see in my day that can be turned into stories! THANK YOU FOR READING! -Tanisha K. Wright)  

About the author


I'm Tanisha, a senior in high school. Age:17 Right now in life, all I'm thinking about is college and my future.

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