Have You Ever Suffered From a Panic Attack?

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Have you ever had a panic attack? It's a horrible experience for anyone to have to go through at anytime in their life. I have seen what a panic attack looks like with my own eyes.

I have seen someone have a panic attack and it really did scare me at the time. I saw someone shaking violently and they could not breathe.

Here are the signs of having a panic attack:

Heart beating irregularly which are palpitations
Hot flushes
Shortness of breath
A choking sensation
Chest pain
Feeling faint
Numbness or pins and needles
Dry mouth
A need to go to the toilet
Ringing in your ears
A feeling of dread, or a fear of dying
A churning stomach
A tingling sensation in your fingers

These symptoms are very unpleasant. I know this, because a close family member has suffered from panic attacks for sometime now. If you have ever had a problem with your breathing and you think you are stressed, then it could be the start of a minor panic attack. With any type of illness though, you must see your Doctor to be certain.

Has anyone else suffered from panic attacks?