Who Was It With?
My best friend in high school.
When Did You Realize It was Love?
When he almost killed himself and I couldn't imagine life without him.
What Did It Feel Like?
It was beautiful. At first, before he liked me back, it was just a gentle tug. I obviously wanted him to like me, but I just kept noticing different things about him that I loved. Later, when I found out he liked me back...he was amazing. He was so supportive of me all the time. Just knowing that there was someone I could talk to about everything, just knowing that that person existed gave me an indescribable feeling. Especially since I came from a broken home, it was incredible for me to have someone that unconditionally supportive. It was pure beauty.
What Happened Next?
He loved me back. We got together secretly, and it was amazing. He was perfect; he told me he loved me and was ever so supportive. He said that he would love me forever. About a month later, though, after a week away when he was in Italy, he began feeling guilty for leaving the girl before me. He told me that it wasn't going to work out. I was heartbroken. I still am. We're still friends, but not nearly as close as we were before we got together.
Lessons Learned
- Don't go out with your best friend. Even if you're completely in love with them.
- Always look out for number one.
- Forever doesn't necessarily mean for all of eternity. It could mean for another week.
- Love is patient, love is kind, love will slowly make you lose your mind.