Health benefit of Black pepper

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We have to know that black pepper is not only a spice but its having lots of healthy benefits ,its main component is piperine .Here are some health benefits of black pepper.

1.Remedy of cold and cough - Its very good remedy of cold and cough ,specially when patients are suffering from running nose ,if we can use black pepper and tulsi boiled and take that at regular interval with honey its keeps the respiratory tract healthy.

2.Reliefs pain : If we are having insect bites ,we can apply black pepper paste on the effected area to get some instant relief from swelling and pain

3.Treatment of peptic ulcer - Its a very nice medicine for the treatment of peptic ulcer due to antioxidant and antiinflammatory affects and for that it protects the gastrointestital mucosal portion.

4.Helps in regaining mental power - Black pepper if taken in regular basis can improve our memory power and for that its used in Alzheimers disease .

5.It improved the digestion of individual if its taken in regular basis .


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