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Let us we discuss about the health and lifestyle. How can we improve our lifestyle to become more worth living and healthy?

2-Health and Lifestyle:

The “lifestyle” is rather a diffuse concept often used to denote “the way people live”, reflecting the whole range of social values, attitudes and activities.

It is composed of cultural and behavioral patterns and lifelong personal habits (smoking, alcoholism) that have developed through processes of socialization. Lifestyles are learnt though social interaction with parents, peer groups, friends and siblings and though school and mass media.

Health requires the promotion of a healthy life style.

In the last 20 years, a considerable body of evidences has accumulated which indicates that there is an association between health and life style of individuals. Many current day health problems especially in the developed countries (heart disease, obesity, lung disease, cancer, drug addiction) are associated with life style changes. In developing countries like Pakistan where traditional lifestyle will persist, risk of illness and death are connected with lack of sanitation, poor nutrition, personal hygiene, elementary human habits, customs and cultural pattern.

It may be noted that not all lifestyle factors are harmful. There are many that can actually promote health. Examples include adequate nutrition, enough sleep, sufficient physical activity etc. In short, the achievement of optimum health demands option of healthy life styles. Health is both a consequence of an individual’s lifestyle and factor in determining it.

3-How we can improve our lifestyle to be healthier?

  • Get a lot of exercise. Build your body into one you will be proud of, and get rid of tension at the same time.
  • Eat sensibly and regularly. Don’t fill yourself with junk food. A balanced diet is good for your health and your skin.
  • Make sure you get enough sleep every day.
  • Spend more time with your self. Relating to other people is important but remembers to set a little time aside for yourself. Learn about your strengths and weaknesses and decide what you want to do about self- confidence and self- respect.
  • Make as many friends as you can regardless of sex, race or religion. This will help you to learn about getting along with the people and to broaden your outlook on life.
  • Develop hobbies and learn new things like sports. This will make you even better person.
  • Get involved in the religious activities as you are at any age when you are looking for answer about the meaning of life and what direction you should follow.


4-Habits which help to promote the health:


A physical fit person is less susceptible to disease and therefore in line with longer life than one who neglect to use his muscles. Exercise increase the mental capability of the person because the brain is stimulated by the same increase in blood circulation as in others organs of the body.

  • Exercise builds muscles, increasing their blood supply, their power, their efficiency, and their endurance.
  • Exercise improves the circulation of blood through out the body by increasing the capacity of the heart to pump blood and by improving the mechanism for returning blood to heart once it has been circulated through the tissues. Thus exercise makes the individual less susceptible to heart attack.
  • Exercise improves the efficiency of the lungs, thus providing a readily available supply of oxygen.
  • Exercise improves the function of many tissues through out the body by increasing the metabolic activity of all tissues.
  • Exercise help to control the weight of the body as it helps to use the surplus calories.
  • Exercise promotes the feeling of zest and well being and this provides greater vigor for day’s activity. A person who is physically fit is optimistic and enthusiastic and thus more successful in his daily undertakings.
  • Walk is the best exercise. Play with your own children help you a lot in maintaining your health.


ii-Balanced Diet


Use of balanced diet help in the maintenance of the health.

  • Avoid oily foods. As oily food takes time in digestion. Take simple bread instead of paratha and halwa puri.
  • Use skimmed milk. Daily intake of milk or milk products is necessary for the health.
  • Egg should be taken. The white portion of the egg is better for health than its yolk.
  • Avoid fatty, fried foods. They increase cholesterol level. Increased cholesterol causes narrowing of blood vessels which increase rate of heart attack.
  • Use cooking oil instead of ghee. Olive oil is best for cooking. As food cooked in it is healthy, more nutritious and easy to digest.
  • Try to have food as per its requirement when you feel hungry. Never fill yourself with extra burden of food.
  • Use white meat (chicken and fish), instead of red meat (mutton or beef). Use of fish on weekly basis is protective for heart.
  • Use fresh fruits and vegetables a lot. Make salad of this. You can use it either as raw because its vitamin will be preserved. Where as they are lost during cooking.
  • Take white sugar, bakery products, coffee or tea with limited quantity.
  • Less salt in diet helps to maintain blood pressure.


iii-Healthy Habits:

  • Personal Hygiene:

o   Take bath daily.

o   Brush your teeth twice a day and every day.

o   Take care of the cleanliness of your hairs and nail.

  • Always cover your nose or throat while sneezing and coughing. Use handkerchief to cover them. It helps in prevention of diseases which are spread by droplets.
  • Think positively. Mental satisfaction is very important for healthy activities of life.
  • Care of other people will give extreme mental satisfaction. Respect the elders and love younger, will make the life lovable.
  • Make problems can be resolved when people work together and give each other help and support.
  • Anyone interested in the health of others should not smoke and should encourage others not to smoke.
  • Do not get your children used to drink carbonated waters.