Heaven’s Currency

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“And whatever you ask for in prayer, having faith and [really] believing, you will receive.”
(Matthew 21:22, AMP)

In the natural realm, we exchange money for the things we want and need. But in the spiritual realm, faith is what we exchange. The Bible tells us that when you pray, have faith, and you will receive it. Faith moves mountains. Faith pleases God. Faith is what opens spiritual doors. What is faith? It’s believing in God and His goodness. It’s knowing that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Faith is believing that the promises of God are true. It’s obeying His Word. Faith causes you to act.

Where does faith come from? It’s a gift from God. Everyone is given a measure of faith, but we have to steward it and help it grow. Romans tell us that faith grows by hearing the Word of God. The more you hear the Word of God, the more your faith will grow. The more your faith grows, the more you will see the promises of God come to pass in every area of your life. Remember, faith is heaven’s currency. So invest your faith by investing time in His Word!

Father, thank You for giving me a measure of faith. Thank You for the gift of Your Word which is a light to my path and helps me grow in You. I choose to set my heart and mind on Your Word and listen as You speak Your truth to my heart in Jesus’ name. Amen!

About the author


Hi! I am Engr. Ray Balba, 24 years old , networker, forex trader and Law of attraction practitioner.

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