Help to Education of Young Girls as much as You can

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“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”
Mahatma Gandhi

With the beginning of the New Year (spring time) in Afghanistan, result of Kankoor exam (Entrance exam to university)was announced by Ministry of Higher Education website. Many participants failed but they did not get disappointed. Some of them who had good economy started studying in private institutes and others went to teacher training center.  I saw many girls come from Farah and Nimroz provinces. It shows Afghans know how much education is important for their girls and can help them in future to make their living.

My brother’s daughter also could not pass the exam. Despite of her weak economy, she wanted to stop studying and work as an unprofessional teacher in far district.  I asked her to think about your future, what will you do in future? She said what I should do, and I do not have financial support. I replied her that I have a job now and would pay for your tuition fee. I ordered her to go and study in a private institute. Now she is going to study Law and Political Science in a private institute.

 I wanted to study Medical faculty, but I could not study it due to my family problem. I studied what was the result of Kankoor. But I would like to help a girl to study what she is interested in and can help her future life and help other women to be known with their rights.  I wanna motivate her to defend her rights and other afghan women in future.

I hope all Afghans feel responsibility to help their citizens and development of Afghanistan.


Written by: Shakila Enayatzade

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